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Hiep Tuan Nguyen Tri

I graduated from School of Electronics and Telecommunications of Hanoi University of Science and Technology in 2010. Then, I worked in 3 years as Software Engineer. Currently, I'm Master student at the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering in Chonnam National University, South Korea. I'm going to graduate in August 2015. My interesting research/job fields include Computer Networking, Big Data and Distributed System. Recently, I'm looking for a challenging job.



Computer Networking

Software-Defined Network, Network Function Virtualisation

Big Data


Distributed System

Peer-to-Peer Computing and Grid Computing


2011-2013: Software Engineer In VNPT Technology

Design and develop websites and other systems based on customer's demand.

Some projects:

  • Wifi Monitoring System: monitor Wifi system and send alerts to operator.

  • Advance Customer Service Center: a website for managing supporter and supporting tasks.

  • KPI management for VNPT: extracting, transforming and loading data from different file formats to database and display different kind of reports on web interface.

2010-2011: Software Engineer In Mekong Media JSC

Design and develop websites and other systems based on customer's demand.

Some projects:

  • Video conference system

  • IPTV web interface

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